On September 10, 2024, Hotel Executive published an article from Chicago-based Partner Rob Schnitz that discussed how hotel owners and operators can care for guests who classify as “at-risk.” Schnitz outlined the various categories of these at-risk guests, which include victims of human trafficking or domestic violence, a runaway minor or a guest who may consider self-harm.

“In more recent years, hotel operators have become increasingly aware of the connection between human trafficking and the hotel industry and have taken steps to implement awareness training. Hotel operators should similarly consider implementing awareness training and response protocols to address other at-risk guests,” Schnitz writes.

Schnitz offers practical tips for hotel operators to take in the event of these scenarios. Specifically addressing legal concerns related to runaway minors, he explains, “It can be challenging to balance guest-centric assistance with taking on unnecessary legal obligations, but it is important to note here that a hotel is not a shelter, nor is it a custodian for a minor… Rather, a hotel should take reasonable measures consistent with its services to provide temporary shelter for a minor, while also considering potential reputational damage that could result should harm befall the minor.”

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